The TChunkedText A class that encapsulates a list of font formatted text 'chunks' (usually space seperated words) that greatly speeds up displaying word-wrapped text.
A good demonstration of the capabilities of TChunkedText is found in the Examples/Text sample application.
And here's an abbreviated example of its use from the Examples/FMX2 sample application:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | essay := TextResourceToString( 'ESSAY' , RT_RCDATA, TEncoding . Unicode); essay := StringReplace(essay, '\n' , # 10 , [rfReplaceAll]); chunkedText := TChunkedText . Create(essay, regularFontCache); try chunkedText . DrawText(imgMain, displayRec, taJustify, tvaTop, 0 ); finally chunkedText . Free; end ; |
Methods | Properties |
Clear | Chunk |
Create | Count |
DrawText | Text |
GetChunkAndGlyphOffsetAtPt | |
GetPageMetrics | |
InsertTextChunk | |
SetText |
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