
Delphi property Child[index: Integer]: TPolyPath64; default; //read-only

C++ const PolyPath64* Child(size_t index) const

C++ const PolyPath64* operator [] (size_t index) const

C#  PolyPath64 Child(int index);

C#  PolyPath64 this[int index]{ get{} }

Child is perhaps the most explicit way of accessing children (ie nested polygon contours that are contained within Polygon).
The array operator [ ] is another (simpler) way of access children, and iterators can also be used.

  // nice and simple
  for (const auto& poly : polytree)
    for (const auto& hole : *poly)
      if (!hole->IsHole() || hole->Level() != 2)
        std::cout << "oops!";
  // or full disclosure
  PolyPath64List::const_iterator ppi, ppi2;
  for (ppi = polytree.begin(); ppi != polytree.end(); ++ppi)
    for (ppi2 = (*ppi)->begin(); ppi != (*ppi)->end(); ++ppi2)
      const std::unique_ptr<PolyPath64>& hole = *ppi2;
      if (!hole->IsHole() || hole->Level() != 2)
        std::cout << "oops!";
  // and other somewhat messy options
  const auto& first_poly = polytree.Child(0);
  if (first_poly->Count() && 
    first_poly->Child(0)->Level() != 2 ||
      std::cout << "oops!" << std::endl;

    PolyTree64 polytree;
    // do boolean op that populates polytree
    // now access the polytree
    foreach (PolyPath64 poly in polytree)
      foreach (PolyPath64 hole in poly)
        if (hole.Count > 0)
          Debug.Assert(!hole[0].IsHole && hole.Child(0).Level == 3);
    // and another way to access nested PolyPath64 objects
    PolyPath64 holeInsideSecondPoly = polytree[1][0];

      i,j     : Integer;
      polytree: TPolyTree64;
      // do boolean op that populates polytree
      // now access the polytree
        for i := 0 to polytree.Count -1 do
          for j := 0 to polytree[i].Count -1 do
            if not polytree[i][j].IsHole or
              (polytree[i][j].Level <> 2) then

See Also
