Delphi procedure Execute(delta: double; out solution: TPaths64); overload;
Delphi procedure Execute(delta: double; polytree: TPolyTree64); overload;
C++ void Execute(double delta, Paths64& paths);
C++ void Execute(double delta, PolyTree64& polytree);
C# public void Execute(double delta, Paths64 paths);
C# public void Execute(double delta, PolyTree64 polytree);
With closed paths (polygons), a positive delta specifies how much outer polygon contours will expand and how much inner "hole" contours will contract (and the converse with negative deltas).
With open paths (polylines) including EndType.Joined, delta specifies the width of the inflated line.
Execute can also be called multiple times (using different deltas).
#include "clipper2/clipper.h" ... using namespace Clipper2Lib; int main() { Paths64 subjects, solution; subjects.push_back(MakePath({100,100, 1500,100, 100,1500, 1500,1500})); ClipperOffset co; co.AddPaths(subjects, JoinType::Miter, EndType::Square); co.Execute(200, solution); //draw polyline and inflated solution }
#include "clipper2/clipper.h" ... using namespace Clipper2Lib; int main() { Paths64 subjects, solution; // add outer polygon contour subjects.push_back(Ellipse(Rect64(100, 100, 1500, 1500))); // add inner "hole" contour (note reversed orientation) subjects.push_back(Ellipse(Rect64(400, 400, 1200, 1200))); std::reverse(subjects[0].begin(), subjects[0].end()); ClipperOffset co; co.AddPaths(subjects, JoinType::Round, EndType::Polygon); co.Execute(100, solution); //draw polygon and inflated solution }
Copyright © 2010-2024 Angus Johnson - Clipper2 1.5.0 - Help file built on 24 Jan 2025