
Delphi type TClipType = (ctIntersection, ctUnion, ctDifference, ctXor);

C++ enum ClipType { Intersection, Union, Difference, Xor };

C#  public enum ClipType { Intersection, Union, Difference, Xor };

There are four boolean operations:

Of these four operations, only difference is non-commutative. This means that subject and clip paths are interchangeable except when performing difference operations (and as long as subject paths are closed).

All polygon clipping is performed with a Clipper object with the specific boolean operation indicated by the ClipType parameter passed in its Execute method.

With regard to open paths (polylines), clipping rules generally match those of closed paths (polygons).
However, when there are both polyline and polygon subjects, the following clipping rules apply:

Example of clipping behaviour when mixing polyline and polygon subjects:

See Also

Overview, Clipper64, Clipper64.Execute