
Delphi type TJoinType = (jtMiter, jtBevel, jtSquare, jtRound);

C++ enum JoinType {Miter, Bevel, Square, Round};

C#  public enum JoinType {Miter, Bevel, Square, Round};

The JoinType enumeration is only needed when offsetting (inflating/shrinking). It isn't needed for polygon clipping. It specifies how to manage offsetting at convex angled joins. Concave joins will always be offset with a mitered join.

When adding paths to a ClipperOffset object via the AddPaths method, the JoinType parameter must specify one of the following types - Miter, Square, Bevel or Round.

Note: the inner angle at vertex A is more acute than the one at B and the mitered offset would exceed the specified 'miter limit' (default = 2).

See Also

Clipper.Offset, ClipperOffset, ClipperOffset.AddPaths, ClipperOffset.MiterLimit