
This unit contains the powerful image viewer - TImage32Panel.

This component is a descendant of the standard Delphi TPanel component, but with numerous additional features to make viewing images very easy. Features include:


    Forms, ExtCtrls, Image32Panels,  
    Img32, Img32.Fmt.PNG;

  procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
	ImagePanel1.Image.LoadFromResource('MYIMAGE', 'PNG');    

TImage32Panel keyboard actions:

(these are disabled when the TabStop property = false)
0 (zero) Scales the image to best fit
1..9 Scales the image 1 to 9 times normal
[shift] + 1..9 Scales the image 0.1 to 0.9 times normal
arrow keys (◀▲▼▶) normal scrolling
[shift] + arrow keys accelerated (5 times normal) scrolling
[ctrl]+▲ ; [ctrl]+▼ zoom in and zoom out respectively


To install this component in Delphi's IDE, you'll need to install 2 packages - first the runtime package (Img32_Library.dpk), and then the designtime package (Img32_VCL_Dsgn.dpk). Both these packages are located in Image32's source/package folder. It's important to install the runtime package first. Also, these packages only need to be installed if you want to install TImage32Panel into Delphi'd IDE. Neither package needs to be installed to use the Image32 library.

From Delphi's IDE menu, select File | Open Project and select the Img32_Library package. Compile and close. Then open the Img32_VCL_Dsgn package, compile and then also install.

See Also

Index, OnFileDrop, OnKeyDown, OnKeyUp, OnPaste, OnScrolling, OnZooming, ClientToImage, CopyToClipboard, ImageToClient, PasteFromClipboard, RecenterImageAt, ScaleToFit, AllowCopyPaste, AllowFileDrop, AllowScroll, AllowZoom, AutoCenter, BkgChBrdColor1, BkgChBrdColor2, BkgChBrdSize, BkgChBrdType, ColorFocused, ColorUnfocused, Image, InnerClientRect, InnerMargin, IsScaledToFit, Offset, Scale, ScaleMax, ScaleMin, ShowScrollButtons