function InflatePath(const path: TPathD; delta: Double; joinStyle: TJoinStyle = jsAuto; endStyle: TEndStyle = esPolygon; miterLimit: double = 2.0): TPathsD;
uses Img32, Img32.Fmt.PNG, Img32.vector, Img32.Draw, Img32.Clipper2; ... var img: TImage32; path: TPathD; paths: TPathsD; begin img.SetSize(256,256); rec := img.Bounds; Windows.InflateRect(rec, -50,-50); //draw a gradient filled star path := Star(PointD(128, 128), 50, 100, 7); radGradRend := TRadialGradientRenderer.Create; radGradRend.SetParameters(rec, clFuchsia32, clYellow32); DrawPolygon(img, path, frNonZero, radGradRend); radGradRend.Free; DrawLine(img, path, 1, clBlack32, esPolygon); //draw a dashed outline of the star paths := InflatePath(path, 7, jsRound, esPolygon); DrawDashedLine(img, paths, [4,4], 0, 1, clBlack32, esPolygon); img.SaveToFile('star.png'); img.Free; end;
Copyright ©2010-2023 Angus Johnson - Image32 4.8 - Help file built on 17 Jan 2025