procedure DrawLine(img: TImage32; const line: TPathD; lineWidth: double; color: TColor32; endStyle: TEndStyle; joinStyle: TJoinStyle = jsAuto; miterLimit: double = 2); overload;
procedure DrawLine(img: TImage32; const line: TPathD; lineWidth: double; renderer: TCustomRenderer; endStyle: TEndStyle; joinStyle: TJoinStyle = jsAuto; miterLimit: double = 2); overload;
procedure DrawLine(img: TImage32; const lines: TPathsD; lineWidth: double; color: TColor32; endStyle: TEndStyle; joinStyle: TJoinStyle = jsAuto; miterLimit: double = 2); overload;
procedure DrawLine(img: TImage32; const lines: TPathsD; lineWidth: double; renderer: TCustomRenderer; endStyle: TEndStyle; joinStyle: TJoinStyle = jsAuto; miterLimit: double = 2); overload;
uses Img32, Img32.Fmt.PNG, Img32.vector, Img32.Draw; ... var img: TImage32; path, path2: TPathD; rec: TRect; const nPoints = 5; //must be an odd number npDiv2 = nPoints div 2; begin img := TImage32.Create(256,256); rec := img.Bounds; Windows.InflateRect(rec, -10,-10); //create N pointed star path := Ellipse(rec, nPoints); SetLength(path2, nPoints); for i := 0 to nPoints -1 do path2[i] := path[((i* npDiv2) mod nPoints)]; //draw the line DrawLine(img, path2, 5, clNavy32, esPolygon); img.SaveToFile('line1.png'); img.Free; end;
uses Img32, Img32.Fmt.PNG, Img32.vector, Img32.Draw; ... var img: TImage32; path, path2: TPathD; rec: TRect; begin img := TImage32.Create(256,256); rec := img.Bounds; Windows.InflateRect(rec, -30,-10); Windows.OffsetRect(rec, 0, 60); with rec do //construct a bezier curve path := FlattenCBezier( PointD(left, top), PointD(left, bottom), PointD(right, bottom), PointD(right, top)); //draw the bezier curve DrawLine(img, path, 10, clMaroon32, esRound); img.SaveToFile('line2.png'); img.Free; end;
uses Img32, Img32.Fmt.PNG, Img32.vector, Img32.Draw; ... var img: TImage32; imageRender: TImageRenderer; path, path2: TPathD; rec: TRect; const nPoints = 5; //must be an odd number npDiv2 = nPoints div 2; begin img := TImage32.Create(256, 256); rec := img.Bounds; Windows.InflateRect(rec, -10,-10); //create N pointed star path := Ellipse(rec, nPoints); SetLength(path2, nPoints); for i := 0 to nPoints -1 do path2[i] := path[((i* npDiv2) mod nPoints)]; imageRender := TImageRenderer.Create; imageRender.Image.LoadFromResource('TILE', 'BMP'); imageRender.Image.Resize(10, 10); DrawLine(img, path2, 10, imageRender, esPolygon); imageRender.Free; img.SaveToFile('line3.png'); img.Free; end;
Copyright ©2010-2023 Angus Johnson - Image32 4.8 - Help file built on 17 Jan 2025