function Ellipse(const rec: TRect; steps: integer = 0): TPathD; overload;
function Ellipse(const rec: TRectD; steps: integer = 0): TPathD; overload;
function Ellipse(const rec: TRectD; pendingScale: double): TPathD; overload;
Note: the optional pendingScale parameter indicates likely future scaling of the returned path. This allows the function to anticipate an appropriate degree of precision for curve generation. (Inadequate precision will degrade a curve into an obvious series of straight edges, while excessive precision will degrade rendering performance.
uses Img32, Img32.Fmt.PNG, Img32.Vector, Img32.Draw; ... var path, path2: TPathD; rec: TRect; img: TImage32; begin img := TImage32.create(256,256); rec := Rect(10,30, 256-10, 256-30); path := Ellipse(rec); DrawLine(img1, path, 20, clNavy32, esPolygon); path := Arc(rec, 90 *Pi/180, 360 *Pi/180); DrawLine(img1, path, 5, clYellow32, esRound); img.SaveToFile('arc.png'); img.Free;
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