
Delphifunction InflatePaths(const paths: TPaths64; delta: Double;
 jt: TJoinType; et: TEndType; MiterLimit: double): TPaths64;

Delphifunction InflatePaths(const paths: TPathsD; delta: Double;
 jt: TJoinType; et: TEndType; miterLimit: double; precision: integer): TPathsD;

C++Paths64 InflatePaths(const Paths64& paths, double delta,
 JoinType join_type, EndType end_type, double miter_limit);

C++PathsD InflatePaths(const PathsD& paths, double delta,
 JoinType join_type, EndType end_type, double miter_limit);

C# public static Paths64 InflatePaths(Paths64 paths, double delta,
 JoinType joinType, EndType endType, double miterLimit);

C# public static PathsD InflatePaths(PathsD paths, double delta,
 JoinType joinType, EndType endType, double miterLimit);

These functions encapsulate ClipperOffset, the class that performs both polygon and open path offsetting.

#include "clipper2/clipper.h"  
using namespace Clipper2Lib;

int main()
  PathsD polyline, solution;
  polyline.push_back(MakePathD({100,100, 1500,100, 100,1500, 1500,1500}));
  // offset polyline
  solution = InflatePaths(polyline, 200, JoinType::Miter, EndType::Square);

  //draw polyline and inflated solution

#include "clipper2/clipper.h"  
using namespace Clipper2Lib;

int main()
  PathsD polygon, solution; 
  // add outer polygon contour
  polygon.push_back(Ellipse(RectD(100, 100, 1500, 1500)));
  // add inner "hole" contour
  PathD p = Ellipse(RectD(400, 400, 1200, 1200));
  std::reverse(p.begin(), p.end());

  // offset polygon
  solution = InflatePaths(polygon, 100, JoinType::Round, EndType::Polygon);
  //draw polygon and inflated solution

See Also

ClipperOffset, EndType, JoinType