Delphi TPaths = array of TPath64;
C++ typedef std::vector< Path64 > Paths64;
C# using Paths64 = List<List< Point64 >>;
Paths64 represent one or more Path64 structures. While a single path can represent a simple polygon, multiple paths are usually required to define complex polygons that contain one or more holes.
While it's usual to list outer path contours before their inner path (hole) contours, this isn't strictly necessary. Whether a given path in a Paths64 object is a hole or otherwise is derived by its geometric position relative to the other paths in the Paths64 object and with reference to a filling rule that's usually associated with Paths64 objects.
Clipper64.AddClip, Clipper64.AddOpenSubject, Clipper64.AddSubject, Clipper64.Execute, InflatePaths, FillRule, Path64, PathsD, Point64
Copyright © 2010-2024 Angus Johnson - Clipper2 1.5.0 - Help file built on 24 Jan 2025