
Delphifunction SimplifyPath(const path: TPath64; epsilon: double;
  isClosedPath: Boolean = true): TPath64; overload;

Delphifunction SimplifyPaths(const paths: TPaths64;
  epsilon: double; isClosedPath: Boolean = true): TPaths64; overload;

Delphifunction SimplifyPath(const path: TPathD;
  epsilon: double; isClosedPath: Boolean = true): TPathD; overload;

Delphifunction SimplifyPaths(const paths: TPathsD;
  epsilon: double; isClosedPath: Boolean = true): TPathsD; overload;

C++inline Path<T> SimplifyPath(const Path<T>& path, double epsilon,
 bool isClosedPath = true);

C++inline Paths<T> SimplifyPaths(const Paths<T>& path, double epsilon,
 bool isClosedPath = true);

C# public static Path64 SimplifyPath(Path64 path, double epsilon, bool isClosedPath = true);

C# public static Paths64 SimplifyPaths(Paths64 path, double epsilon, bool isClosedPath = true);

C# public static PathD SimplifyPath(PathD path, double epsilon, bool isClosedPath = true);

C# public static PathsD SimplifyPaths(PathsD path, double epsilon, bool isClosedPath = true);

This function removes vertices that are less than the specified epsilon distance from an imaginary line that passes through its 2 adjacent vertices. Logically, smaller epsilon values will be less aggressive in removing vertices than larger epsilon values.

This function is strongly recommended before offsetting (ie before inflating/shrinking) when paths may contain redundant segments. (See notes on redundant segments here.) And removing redundant segments is especially important when offsetting paths that have themselves been offset.

C++ Code Sample:
  #include "../../Clipper2Lib/clipper.h"
  #include "../../Utils/clipper.svg.h"
  #include "../../Utils/clipper.svg.utils.h"
  using namespace Clipper2Lib;
  int main()
    SvgReader svg_reader;
    PathsD p = svg_reader.GetPaths(), solution;

    while (p.size())
      //copy each iteration of 'p' into solution until 'p' is no more
      solution.reserve(solution.size() + p.size());
      copy(p.begin(), p.end(), back_inserter(solution));
      p = InflatePaths(p, -2.5, JoinType::Round, EndType::Polygon);
      p = SimplifyPaths(p, 0.025);

    SvgAddSolution(svg, solution, false);
    SvgSaveToFile(svg, "rabbit_offset.svg", 338, 540, 0);

See Also

ClipperOffset, InflatePaths