function FlattenCBezier(const pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4: TPointD): TPathD; overload;
function FlattenCBezier(const pts: TPathD): TPathD; overload;
function FlattenCBezier(const pts: TPathsD): TPathsD; overload;
A Cubic Bezier consists of four points, two end points and two control points that all together define a curved path. This function converts these cubic beziers into normal paths, where the curved path is defined by series of sometimes very short straight edges.
uses Img32, Img32.Fmt.PNG, Img32.vector, Img32.Draw; ... var img: TImage32; path, path2: TPathD; rec: TRect; begin img := TImage32.Create(256,256); rec := img.Bounds; Windows.InflateRect(rec, -10,-10); // flatten a cubic bezier defined by 4 corners of rec with rec do path := FlattenCBezier(PointD(left, top), PointD(left, bottom), PointD(right, bottom), PointD(right, top)); //draw the bezier curve DrawLine(img, path, 10, clMaroon32, esRound); img.SaveToFile('line2.png'); img.Free; end;
FlattenCSpline, FlattenQBezier
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