
function FlattenCSpline(const pts: TPathD): TPathD;

This function converts CSpline points into a flattened path. It loosely approximates the 'S' command inside the 'd' property of an SVG path. In essence, the 'pts' array represents a series of control points and coordinates that make up a series of joined cubic bezier curves.

The first four coordinates of the spline represent the starting point, two control points, and end point of the first sub-curve (just like a cubic bezier curve). Subsequent pairs of points represent the second control point and the end point for following sub-curves. Only two points are required for all but the first sub-curve because the end point of a preceding sub-curve becomes the starting point of the next sub-curve, and the second control point of a preceding sub-curve, once reflected across its end point, becomes the derived control point for the next sub-curve.

  Img32, Img32.Fmt.PNG, 
    Img32.Vector, Img32.Draw;
  img: TImage32;
  path: TPathD;
  pts: TPathD;
  ghostPt: TPointD;
  img := TImage32.Create(256,256);


  //create and draw a RED CSpine path
  pts := MakePathI([50,200, 40,160,
    90,160, 80,200, 120,240, 110,200,
    150,160, 140,200, 180,240, 170,200,
    210,160, 200,200]);
  path := FlattenCSpline(pts);
  DrawLine(img, path, 8, clRed32, esRound);

  //show where the 'pts' are too
  for i := 0 to high(pts) do
    DrawPoint(img, pts[i], 3, clNavy32);

  //and show the derived control points
  i := 2;
  while i < high(pts) -1 do
    ghostPt := ReflectPoint(pts[i], pts[i +1]);
    DrawPoint(img, ghostPt, 3, clSilver32);
    inc(i, 2);

In the image below the red curve is a CSpine. The dark navy dots indicate the user defined control and end points, and the pale gray dots indicate virtual control points (ie derived from preceding control points).

See Also

FlattenCBezier, FlattenQSpline