Extract the Img32 folder that contains the library's source into your file system using Windows Explorer.
Option1: To install Img32 for use in multiple projects:
In the Delphi IDE menu, select:
Tools | Options | Delphi Options | Library
then choose your Selected Platform (eg 64bit Windows) and
add the location of the Img32 folder (Step 1) to both the Library Path and the Browsing Path.
Option2: To install Img32 for use in a single project:
In the Delphi IDE menu, select:
Project | Options | Delphi Compiler
then add the location of the Img32 folder (Step 1) to the Search Path
The Image32 library does include one optional component - TImage32Panel. Nevertheless, the library has been designed so images can easily be drawn onto any object with a TCanvas (whether a TPanel, a TForm, a TImage or whatever).
uses Img32, Img32.Fmt.PNG; ... // to draw directly onto panels, // expose TPanel's protected Canvas property type TPanelWithCanvas = class(TPanel) end; procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var img: TImage32; begin img := TImage32.Create; try img.LoadFromFile('MyFavoriteImage.png'); with TPanelWithCanvas(Panel1) do begin BevelOuter := bvNone; Width := img.Width; Height := img.Height; img.CopyToDC(Canvas.Handle); end; finally img.Free; end; end;
Copyright ©2010-2023 Angus Johnson - Image32 4.8 - Help file built on 17 Jan 2025