function SimplifyPaths(const path: TPathD; shapeTolerance: double = 0.1; isClosedPath: Boolean = true): TPathD; overload;
function SimplifyPaths(const path: TPathsD; shapeTolerance: double = 0.1; isClosedPath: Boolean = true): TPathD; overload;
This function removes vertices that contribute very little to a path's shape. It's especially useful following Vectorize and InflatePaths.
shapeTolerance: specifies the minimum distance a vertex can be from an imaginary line drawn between its two adjacent vertices (default = 0.1). (This value affects how aggressive simplifying will be, with larger tolerances being more aggressive and returning simpler paths.)
CAUTION: The last parameter has recently changed from IsOpenPath to IsClosedPath. (This change was made to remove an inconsistency with other functions that contain an IsClosedPath parameter.) If this is likely to cause you major inconvenience, then enable the USE_OLD_SIMPLIFYPATHS compilier directive in
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