function Vectorize(img: TImage32; compareColor: TColor32; compareFunc: TCompareFunction; colorTolerance: Integer; roundingTolerance: integer = 2): TPathsD;
This function converts monochrome raster images into raw polygon vectors.
compareFunc: usually CompareRGB, CompareHue or CompareAlpha.
colorTolerance: This value will be passed to compareFunc.
roundingTolerance: specifies the minimum distance for adjacent pixels in returned paths.
Vectorize is usually just the first step in completely 'vectorizing' an image. Generally these raw polygon vectors are simplified using SimplifyPaths, and smoothed with SmoothToCubicBezier before finally being 'flattened' using FlattenCBezier.
//Example: //vectorize an image, filtering on non-transparency or dark colors if img.HasTransparency then rawPaths := Vectorize(img, $FF000000, CompareAlpha, $80) else rawPaths := Vectorize(img, $FF000000, CompareRGB, $80); //and simplify the result simplifiedPaths := SimplifyPaths(rawPaths, 3); //then smooth the result bezierPaths := SmoothToCubicBezier(simplifiedPaths, true, TrackBar1.Position); //and finally flatten and draw the Bezier paths flattenedPaths := FlattenCBezier(bezierPaths); DrawPolygon(displayImg, flattenedPaths, frEvenOdd, clNavy32);
SimplifyPaths, SmoothToCubicBezier, FlattenCBezier, CompareAlpha, CompareHue, CompareRGB
Copyright ©2010-2023 Angus Johnson - Image32 4.8 - Help file built on 17 Jan 2025